Why do we learn geography?
The Geography curriculum at Ark Conway aims to provide pupils with a deep knowledge about the variety of physical landscapes across the world. Through studying geography, children make sense of the world around them and learn how the events in their local areas and around the world can impact them directly and indirectly. They also learn to think critically about the impact of human activity on the natural world. Geographical study further equips students to discuss and debate issues on a local, national and global scale.
Our approach
The Geography curriculum at Ark Conway is carefully sequenced to guide students from the study of their local area in Key Stage 1 to the broader world in Key Stage 2.
Pupils practise key geography skills in every lesson by reading rich texts, reading and interpreting a variety of geographical information sources such as map, collecting data and expressing their understanding through writing, verbal discussions and drawing.
Students also engage in Wonder Days and fieldwork to dive deeper into the core skills.
All about me: What makes me who I am? |
Celebrations: What do we celebrate? |
How things work : Can you make it work? |
Animals: How are animals suited to their habitats? |
People who help us: How can we help our community? |
Growth: How do things change over time? |
Year 1
What is it like to live in my local area? |
Why should people visit the United Kingdom? |
All Year 1 subjects Next Year 1 Subject - Religious Education
Year 2
Can you describe the seven continents and five oceans that make up planet Earth? |
How is living in Kenya similar and different to living in the UK? |
All Year 2 subjects Next Year 2 Subject - Religious Education
Year 3
What is the land like in the United Kingdom? |
How are climate zones different around the world? |
Which countries make up Europe? |
All Year 3 subjects Next Year 3 Subject - Religious Education
Year 4
What is the Amazon, why is it significant and should it be protected? |
What is it like in the USA? |
All Year 4 subjects Next Year 4 Subject - Religious Education
Year 5
What are natural disasters and how do they impact the lives of people living in Asia? |
What are the different biomes in the world? |
All Year 5 subjects Next Year 5 Subject - Religious Education
Year 6
How can maps help us to understand a place? Is there anything they do not tell us? |
What are the most significant challenges facing the world today? |
All Year 6 subjects Next Year 6 Subject - Religious Education