Phonics and Early Reading
At Ark Conway we use the excellent Read Write Inc. Phonics programme to support our children to become accurate and fluent readers.
Every child from Reception to Year 2 has a daily, targeted Phonics lesson taught by specially trained teachers. In their Phonics lessons, children learn sounds and how to spot these in words. They then apply their phonic knowledge to carefully matched storybooks which they learn how to read in a storyteller voice. These same storybooks go home at the end of the week so that pupils can celebrate their reading with their families at home.
Children who are not yet making expected progress have daily one-to-one tutoring from a trained member of staff. We ensure that children keep up as opposed to trying to catch them up. Similarly, new starters are assessed immediately and, if necessary, given specific phonics tutoring to ensure that they are reading at an age-appropriate level.